Solarpunk Travel's Mission

travel, don't pollute, do good

The Solarpunk Travel Coooperative aims to jumpstart a movement for regenerative travel, which entails both an eco-friendly mode of transport as well as being more than consumers in the places we visit. Our vision is to create a nationwide movement of local bicycle- and train-based outdoor adventures that connect as many people as possible to the wilderness without exploiting people or the planet. Our goal is to demonstrate that adapting our lives to be more sustainable isn't about giving things up, it's about gaining a sense of adventure! Interested in this mission?

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Three pillars guide our work.

  1. Minimal environmental impact. The co-op promotes travel to local places that are often overlooked using low-emission modes of transit such as bikes and trains. Future generations deserve to experience the outdoors as we do today. Let's enjoy the heck out of our planet, while not contributing to its destruction.
  2. Community. We are on a mission to grow the community of bicycle adventurers who are dedicated to creating shared, accessible bike resources in every region of the US and supporting the local communities they visit through volunteering and the solidarity economy. Planning your first bike overnight can be intimidating, but if everyone shares their routes and tips, we can make it accessible for everyone.
  3. Natural spaces. Many current bike routes connect cities but overlook state parks, national parks, national monuments, natural conservation areas...all the places the outdoor adventurer wants to go. With a community of folks, we can build on the wonderful work of other cycling associations and advocate for routes and resources to get to these special places.

What is the future vision of the cooperative?

The trail is still in its infancy, but we have a big vision for what it can become. As the solidarity economy fills in across the country, we hope to connect with members and partner organizations to provide routes with free or affordable accommodations and resupply stations for travelers. We also envision a network of shared gear libraries, bike lockers at national parks so you can go for a hike without worrying about your ride, and even a network of solar e-bike charging stations. Our dream is a parallel tourism economy that works in solidarity with the planet and the communities it passes through.

Why do we believe in the solidarity economy?

We believe that the goodness of people has been what's held the US together, despite the exploitative nature of our economy. Our world would be a better place if we could unleash that goodness and welcome everyone into prosperity. The solidarity economy is an attempt to re-reveal the true values of cooperation, moving them out from the background and back to their central place in a functioning society. We believe the solidarity economy is crucial in bringing our society back into balance.

Get in touch

Want to learn more and make your travel sustainable? Reach out on our social media or send us an email to let us know your story.

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